Day 3: E3 2019 Press Conferences & Revelations

Today is the third day of E3 2019, and while I didn’t get a chance to go to California to visit the show itself, I still got a lot done. After getting up at 10:00 AM to prepare  for the Nintendo Direct that morning, I spent the rest of the day listening to people at the show and watching gameplay. I also spent time reflecting … Continue reading Day 3: E3 2019 Press Conferences & Revelations

E3 2019: Press Conference Reactions Day 2

Welcome to what is technically Day 2 of E3 2019. I’m back with more recorded impressions of the press conferences that happened today for Ubisoft and Square Enix, while also briefly touching on Devolver Digital’s shenanigans, the PC Gaming Conference, and EA’s weird press conference/livestream mix on Saturday. After taking the time to edit myself talking, it’s really hitting me how weird my voice is, … Continue reading E3 2019: Press Conference Reactions Day 2

E3 2019: Day 1 Impressions

Hello all, it’s E3 time once again! Instead of just posting links to all of the gaming news coming out of the convention like last year, I thought I’d try something different and record my impressions of the show in short, punchy clips. I go over some of my favorite moments of the Microsoft and Bethesda press conferences from E3 2019, and also briefly cover … Continue reading E3 2019: Day 1 Impressions

Some(what Late) E3 2019 Predictions

Every time I sit down to work on this piece, more and more E3 2019 news gets announced or leaked out, so I’m gonna post this while my predictions are still relevant. Some people have called the necessity of a convention like E3 into question because we live in a 24/7 news cycle that allows companies to get media attention when they want, if they … Continue reading Some(what Late) E3 2019 Predictions

I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore

67: I Don’t Feel at Home in This World Anymore

In this Movie-Go-Round Netflix Roulette, the Netflix wheel threw us another original, the entertaining but annoyingly named I Don’t Feel at Home in This World Anymore. Melanie Lynskey plays a worn-out 30-something nurse who teams up with her odd neighbor, Tony (an unexpected but delightfully against-type Elijah Wood) to recover her stolen possessions. When she traces the thieves, the two are sucked in over their heads. … Continue reading 67: I Don’t Feel at Home in This World Anymore

Ten Games to Look For in June 2019

PORT MANAGEMENT SHODOWN Now that we’ve hit a year of “Ten Games to Look For” articles, we have a chance to directly compare how the releases for this year stack up to last year. Looking back, June 2018 was a surprisingly well-rounded month. Though summer is usually thought of as barren and slight, but we ended up with titles as diverse as Lumines Remastered, Sushi Striker: … Continue reading Ten Games to Look For in June 2019

The Informant!

66: The Informant!

In this Movie-Go-Round New to Two, David brought along The Informant! The premise sounds boring: There’s corruption in the lysine industry, and the government takes years to investigate it. But this comedy plays with performances and expectations, and just when you think you know where it’s going, you get a revelation that changes everything. This entry was new to Brett and Nicole; so what did everyone think? … Continue reading 66: The Informant!

A Photo Journey Through Days Gone

Usually, when I play games for review on PS4, I end up taking a few screenshots here and there to help illustrate my points. I think I’ve maybe taken ten at a time, never more than necessary, but with Days Gone something weird happened. I took about eight hundred pictures and couldn’t stop. Eight hundred. Now some of these were pretty bad, so I went … Continue reading A Photo Journey Through Days Gone

Sucker Punch

65: Sucker Punch

In this Movie-Go-Round You Did This to Us, we brought in fellow podcaster and mellow raconteur Corey Scott to suffer along with us. We all watched Sucker Punch, Zack Snyder’s “girl power” movie that exploits the women in the cast while telling the audience that exploiting women is bad. Most of the film is a fantasy within a fantasy — does this make the movie more … Continue reading 65: Sucker Punch

Review – Days Gone (PS4)

A DECADE AND FIFTEEN YEARS The fact that Days Gone is Sony Bend’s first major console title in fifteen years should not be lost on us. Since 2004’s Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain, they’ve mostly developed for the PSP and Vita, occasionally porting later Syphon Filter titles to the PS2 when it was still viable. To go from titles like Uncharted: Golden Abyss and Fight for Fortune to … Continue reading Review – Days Gone (PS4)