Review – The Alliance Alive (3DS)

Light, Fluffy Fun As a Japanese RPG, The Alliance Alive is pretty accessible. The tone is upbeat and positive, but it never spills into saccharine territory. The story uses familiar tropes, but it also contains a unique world and a variety of characters. Finishing the game can take 40 hours, but it can also be beaten in as little as 25. Alliance is like the … Continue reading Review – The Alliance Alive (3DS)

Review – Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology (3DS)

An Underrated RPG Returns for a Second Attempt Often seen as just a niche publisher, Atlus is secretly one of the most prolific voices in gaming. For over thirty years, their development teams in Japan, as well as their localization and publishing branch in the States, have a track record that is almost unmatched. With games released on almost every major system since the late … Continue reading Review – Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology (3DS)

Game Review – Detective Pikachu (3DS)

What’s the Story, Pikachu? When writing a review, it is critical to pay attention to how a game comes together. There may be a lot of great things under the hood – wonderful graphics, fantastic world-building, well-written characters – that make it tempting to score high. What really matters though, is recognizing what a game is trying to do and deciding whether or not it … Continue reading Game Review – Detective Pikachu (3DS)

Game Review – Kirby Battle Royale (3DS)

The Hunger Pangs Best described as a mix of Mario Party minigames and a brawler, Kirby: Battle Royale released last month on 3DS as a belated part of the franchise’s 25th anniversary. While some reviews for the game popped up, the response has been sleepy at best. As someone who follows gaming news daily, even I wasn’t sure what this game was, or that it … Continue reading Game Review – Kirby Battle Royale (3DS)