Day 3: E3 2019 Press Conferences & Revelations

Today is the third day of E3 2019, and while I didn’t get a chance to go to California to visit the show itself, I still got a lot done. After getting up at 10:00 AM to prepare  for the Nintendo Direct that morning, I spent the rest of the day listening to people at the show and watching gameplay. I also spent time reflecting … Continue reading Day 3: E3 2019 Press Conferences & Revelations

E3 2019: Press Conference Reactions Day 2

Welcome to what is technically Day 2 of E3 2019. I’m back with more recorded impressions of the press conferences that happened today for Ubisoft and Square Enix, while also briefly touching on Devolver Digital’s shenanigans, the PC Gaming Conference, and EA’s weird press conference/livestream mix on Saturday. After taking the time to edit myself talking, it’s really hitting me how weird my voice is, … Continue reading E3 2019: Press Conference Reactions Day 2

E3 2019: Day 1 Impressions

Hello all, it’s E3 time once again! Instead of just posting links to all of the gaming news coming out of the convention like last year, I thought I’d try something different and record my impressions of the show in short, punchy clips. I go over some of my favorite moments of the Microsoft and Bethesda press conferences from E3 2019, and also briefly cover … Continue reading E3 2019: Day 1 Impressions

Some(what Late) E3 2019 Predictions

Every time I sit down to work on this piece, more and more E3 2019 news gets announced or leaked out, so I’m gonna post this while my predictions are still relevant. Some people have called the necessity of a convention like E3 into question because we live in a 24/7 news cycle that allows companies to get media attention when they want, if they … Continue reading Some(what Late) E3 2019 Predictions

The Great E3 2018 Directory – Part Three

Today, E3 saw the end of presently scheduled press conferences with Nintendo’s latest Direct presentation. Nintendo Directs, for those who don’t know, are pre-recorded videos that Nintendo puts out every few months to explain what games they’re making and when we may see them. Usually, they come out every quarter or so, and focus on the most immediate games Nintendo is working on, with a … Continue reading The Great E3 2018 Directory – Part Three

The Great E3 2018 Directory – Part Two

Today is Monday, and this E3, that means we got an armful of press conferences from Square Enix, Ubisoft, PC gaming, and Sony. While three of these entities listed are companies, the one outlier here is PC gaming, which represents the concept of playing games on your personal computer as a whole. Whereas the others give you an idea of which games you’d see, PC … Continue reading The Great E3 2018 Directory – Part Two

The Great E3 2018 Directory – Part One

E3, The Electronic Entertainment Expo, has long been a premiere moment in the video game calendar. It, along with other conventions, like Gamescom and Tokyo Game Show, are somewhat unique to the video game world. They’re about fan interaction, yes, and consumers can try games before they come out while potentially meeting some legendary game creators. But, more importantly some may say, they are about … Continue reading The Great E3 2018 Directory – Part One