Review – Jake Hunter Detective Story: Ghost of the Dusk (3DS)

For Love Jake Hunter: Ghost of the Dusk is the closest a game has come to putting players in the shoes of a hardboiled detective. More visual novel than adventure game, this title doesn’t offer much in terms of challenging gameplay, but that’s not a bad thing. There’s no risk of failing, because making a wrong choice causes Jake to say something like “I thought … Continue reading Review – Jake Hunter Detective Story: Ghost of the Dusk (3DS)

Ten Games To Look For in September 2018

‘Tis the month for Square Enix and expansions, as they say. Well, they don’t actually say that. If there are any underlying themes though, you can find them in the stride Square has grooved into this month, as well as the still-growing trend of console game expansions and episodic games. First, there’s Square Enix –  they had a rough start to the year with titles like Dissidia … Continue reading Ten Games To Look For in September 2018

Catching Up: With the Jake Hunter Series

Jake Hunter Detective Story: Ghost of the Dusk is one of a few third party titles still coming to the 3DS this year. Launching on September 28th, it is the first time the series will see a Western release since Jake Hunter Detective Story: Memories of the Past in 2009. One of the many DS titles to get published in the wake of Ace Attorney‘s popularity, this … Continue reading Catching Up: With the Jake Hunter Series