Billy Elliot

72: Billy Elliot

In this Movie-Go-Round Netflix Roulette, we checked out the world’s introduction to actor Jaime Bell: Billy Elliot. This movie, about a rebellious tween boy drawn to classical dance in a blue-collar mining town, joins last week’s film in an exploration of what it means to be a “masculine” man. Nicole, Brett, and David dug into the political backstory, the unsung lives of the women in this … Continue reading 72: Billy Elliot

School Daze

71: School Daze

In this Movie-Go-Round New to Two, Brett brought our first Spike Lee joint and introduced David and Nicole to the quasi-musical School Daze. We discuss the up-front themes of masculinity, sexuality, colorism, and the thorny issue of where some funding of historically black colleges can come from. As an all-white crew, we did our best to tread with sensitivity while keeping our cinematic choices inclusive, and … Continue reading 71: School Daze

Step Brothers

70: Step Brothers

In this Movie-Go-Round You Did This to Us, the audience chose our film for this week, 2008’s Step Brothers. Two adult losers, enabled by their aging parents, are forced to become roommates when their parents get married. Will they ever get along? Will they ever get jobs? Will they ever release their song, Boats and Hoes? Sigh… the man-child trope is alive and well and apparently will … Continue reading 70: Step Brothers

In the Loop

69: In the Loop

In this Movie-Go-Round Around the World, Brett cheats the system again to bring the British/American In the Loop as his pick. Nicole and David watched it anyway, and enjoyed Peter Capaldi and his blisteringly creative cursing, as well as the gruff but witty James Gandolfini and the bumbling British leader performance by Tom Hollander (not the Spider-Man guy). Did they also enjoy its “exuberant, boundless cynicism” … Continue reading 69: In the Loop

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

68: Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

In this Movie-Go-Round Future Classics, Edgar Wright’s love letter to video games and comics, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World was Nicole’s nominee. Although in a new relationship with high schooler Knives Chau, 22-year-old Scott Pilgrim falls in love with the mysterious delivery girl Ramona Flowers. To win the right to date her, however, Scott must defeat her seven evil exes, manga style, which is quite a … Continue reading 68: Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore

67: I Don’t Feel at Home in This World Anymore

In this Movie-Go-Round Netflix Roulette, the Netflix wheel threw us another original, the entertaining but annoyingly named I Don’t Feel at Home in This World Anymore. Melanie Lynskey plays a worn-out 30-something nurse who teams up with her odd neighbor, Tony (an unexpected but delightfully against-type Elijah Wood) to recover her stolen possessions. When she traces the thieves, the two are sucked in over their heads. … Continue reading 67: I Don’t Feel at Home in This World Anymore

The Informant!

66: The Informant!

In this Movie-Go-Round New to Two, David brought along The Informant! The premise sounds boring: There’s corruption in the lysine industry, and the government takes years to investigate it. But this comedy plays with performances and expectations, and just when you think you know where it’s going, you get a revelation that changes everything. This entry was new to Brett and Nicole; so what did everyone think? … Continue reading 66: The Informant!

Sucker Punch

65: Sucker Punch

In this Movie-Go-Round You Did This to Us, we brought in fellow podcaster and mellow raconteur Corey Scott to suffer along with us. We all watched Sucker Punch, Zack Snyder’s “girl power” movie that exploits the women in the cast while telling the audience that exploiting women is bad. Most of the film is a fantasy within a fantasy — does this make the movie more … Continue reading 65: Sucker Punch

The Good the Bad and the Ugly

64: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

In this Movie-Go-Round Around the World, David picked an iconic film. Shot in Italy, by an Italian director, with an Italian crew and mostly Italian cast, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly legitimately qualifies as this cycle’s Around the World pick. Clint Eastwood’s most respected spaghetti Western features three antiheroes and an iconic (if sporadic) score. Did our panel enjoy it? Can greedy outlaws be … Continue reading 64: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Crimson Peak

63: Crimson Peak

In this Movie-Go-Round Future Classics, Brett proposed Guillermo’s gooey Crimson Peak! Del Toro brought this Gothic romance to the screen, but couldn’t resist throwing in some good old-fashioned cholera ghosts and head bashing. Did David find the spectres scary? Did Nicole ever shut up about kissing techniques and the Hiddlebutt? Join us for this episode of Movie-Go-Round and find out! Connect with your hosts! Brett Stewart … Continue reading 63: Crimson Peak