Review – Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux (3DS)

Reaching A Somber Horizon Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey never connected with me when it came out on the original DS. It was one of those games I played for maybe an hour, then moved on without a second thought. Knowing that, I approached this Redux port with some trepidation. As the last of a trilogy of RPGs Atlus released on the 3DS earlier this … Continue reading Review – Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux (3DS)

Shenmue is Better Compared to Telltale Than GTA

Shenmue is old, but it’s not the boogeyman. Though the franchise can only be accessed on Dreamcast (and Xbox, in North America), it’s an extremely important franchise, and definitely worth going back to play today. But not for the reason you may think. Though there are people who credit the series with being among the first modern open-world games that led to the runaway success of Grand … Continue reading Shenmue is Better Compared to Telltale Than GTA